Get better qualified home service leads with AI-Assisted property insights & Automation.

Our software scans real satellite and street views for Roofing, Solar PV, Pool, RV, HVAC, Tree and Landscape home service details about the property so your sales can run uniquely targeted ads and estimates tailored specifically for each property.

Our Services

We filter the neighborhood for property details that fit your target customers and automate thousands of personalized mail advertisements tailored to your services. Gone are the days of print-pickup-dropoff-postoffice and door-to-door hangers.

1. Scan your Area

Provide us the location you want us to search and physical exterior features of the house.

2. Verify & Generate

Our AI model will identify, verify details that match your search terms. Generate a list with each house details.

3. Automatic Mailing

We mail out personalized Ads for you and help you track which houses have viewed your ads online.

Why traditional Ads are not converting?

Flyer Ad Templates

They look great, but how do they stand out from competitors who bought the same templates?


Bidding war for attention without meaningful connection with viewers to convert them.


Spend time & money on competing for customer relationships in app instead of physically through your company

Why Choose Us

Customizable Automation

Out software allows any industry to train custom visual objects to be detected from image map views and can provide API to plug into your workflow platform.

Budget & Time Saving

We help automate the customer acquisition cycle and make direct connection to customers with consistent interval mailers. Non-evasive status checks build trust.


We provide a monthly review and communicate directly with our customers instead of through some platform.

Make every ad relatable!

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